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The benefits of early orthodontic treatment for kids


A happy Turret Orthodontics patient showing results of successful orthodontic treatment for kids. Braces can create beautiful smiles!

With so many benefits related to early orthodontic treatment for kids, more parents are opting for orthodontic consultations to help them decide whether early treatment may help prevent unnecessary extractions or further issues for their child later in life.

How old does my child need to be for orthodontic treatment?

Many children begin their brace journey during their teenage years when most or all their adult teeth have erupted. The teenage years are a common time for braces or other orthodontic appliances to be used to correct issues such as misalignment, overcrowding, or bite problems.

However, orthodontic treatment for kids can start at various ages, depending on their orthodontic needs. In some cases, children as young as seven or eight years old may need to consult with an orthodontist as all their adult teeth have already come through. This means the orthodontist can check the developing bite and identify any potential issues. For a free video consultation, get in touch with Turret Orthodontics.

Does my child need to have all their adult teeth to begin orthodontic treatment for kids?

The presence of all adult teeth is not always a strict requirement for orthodontic treatment for kids to begin. In fact, some orthodontic problems are easier to correct when the patient is still growing, and their jaw is more malleable. It’s essential to consult with an orthodontist to determine the most appropriate time to begin treatment based on individual needs and circumstances. Early evaluation and intervention can sometimes help guide jaw growth and tooth eruption, potentially minimising the need for more extensive treatment later.

What are the best braces for younger children and teens?

Orthodontic treatment types for children include more than just fixed braces options.  Unlike the traditional metal railway braces, treatment types now include more comfortable fixed metal braces, fixed ceramic braces, Invisalign for Teens, Invisalign First and other clear aligner braces.  These brace systems are designed to address specific dental issues. It’s essential to consult with an orthodontist to determine the most appropriate time to begin treatment based on individual needs and circumstances. Early evaluation and intervention can sometimes help guide jaw growth and tooth eruption, potentially minimising the need for more extensive treatment later on.

Why choose fixed braces for kids?

Fixed braces for kids are fixed, meaning that children and teens cannot remove them. This is great if your child is less disciplined and likely to forget to put their aligner back in after mealtimes. However, when wearing a fixed brace, extra diligence is needed when brushing teeth. It is important that your child keeps up with their oral hygiene and attends their appointments. Like aligners, some fixed braces, such as ceramic fixed braces can be discrete.  Our orthodontist will advise you on the best treatment plan for your child to help you decide.

Why choose Invisalign First?

Invisalign First is a discrete option for younger children that need orthodontic treatment. The benefits of aligners over fixed braces, is that your child can clean their teeth easier. We have also found that children and teens are highly compliant in wearing aligners, allowing for fantastic results. First straightens the teeth according to your treatment plan.

What’s Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign Teens is a discrete clear aligner brace. The aligners straighten the teeth according to your teen’s bespoke treatment plan and because the aligners are virtually invisible your child’s confidence could build within months of wearing their aligners.  Again, like children,  teens have proved to be highly compliant in wearing aligners, allowing for fantastic results.

Why are extractions needed in orthodontics?

Extractions in orthodontics are sometimes necessary to address issues such as overcrowding, misalignment, or bite problems. However, the appropriateness of extractions should be carefully evaluated to avoid unnecessary removal of healthy teeth.  Sometimes early orthodontic treatment for kids can prevent unnecessary extractions as the jaw is still growing.

  1. Overcrowding: When there is not enough space in the jaw for all the teeth to align properly, extractions may be recommended to create space and allow for effective orthodontic treatment.
  2. Misalignment: If teeth are severely misaligned, extracting one or more teeth may help shift the remaining teeth into a more desirable position.
  3. Bite Issues: In cases where the bite is significantly off, extractions can be part of a comprehensive treatment plan to improve the alignment of the teeth and the overall bite.

How do I know if I need an extraction?

Your orthodontist will assess your specific case to determine if extractions are necessary. Factors they consider include:

  1. Dental X-rays: X-rays provide detailed images of your teeth and jaw, helping the orthodontist identify issues such as overcrowding and misalignment.
  2. Clinical Examination: Your orthodontist will physically examine your teeth, bite, and jaw to assess the severity of the orthodontic problems.
  3. Treatment Plan: Based on the examination and X-ray results, your orthodontist will develop a treatment plan that may or may not involve extractions.

Can I avoid extractions through early treatment?

In some cases, early orthodontic treatment for kids, known as interceptive or phase-one treatment, can help address certain issues and potentially prevent the need for extractions later on. Early treatment is typically performed on children between the ages of 7 and 11, while their jaw is still developing.

However, not all cases can be addressed with early treatment, and some individuals may still require extractions as part of their comprehensive orthodontic plan later in adolescence or adulthood.

It’s important to have regular check-ups with your dentist and orthodontist to monitor the development of your teeth and address any concerns early on. If you have doubts or concerns about the necessity of extractions, seeking a second opinion from another qualified dental professional can provide valuable insights and ensure that the proposed treatment plan is appropriate for your specific situation.

How do I decide which treatment plan to choose for my child?

A consultation appointment with a treatment plan created by an orthodontist and a discussion about options is the first step to understanding what is best for your child. At Turret Orthodontics we provide Free Video consultations, which will inform you if your child is suitable and what the options could be.  We would then invite you in to take records, photographs, and scans, so that the orthodontist can create a treatment plan. There is a small charge for this which is taken off your treatment at the end should

Need More information?

Book a free consultation at one of our practices to meet the Turret Orthodontics team and start the journey to a straight smile.

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